Thursday, March 25, 2004

CompanyCommand is down

It’s a sad day. The website has had to restrict access to the general public. I’m not sure whether they will let non-Company Commanders register yet or not. Apparently a major newspaper (not sure which one) lifted information from the site without permission, and they decided it was prudent to keep it members only. This site provided COs (and other leaders) with immediate firsthand feedback from Company Commanders in Iraq and Afghanistan… rather than dry, generalized Army publications…coming out 6 months after you deploy. If you want to know more about what WAS available and how it had a positive impact on how we operate at Company level, you can read more about it here. I filled out a request for membership, but since some of the questions were like “Are you a current, former or future Company Commander?” I don’t have high hopes lol.


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