Tuesday, May 04, 2004

BRM is here...

Once again, I had some time off tonight... but had a softball game so I just got home. We lost again, but who cares lol. This is the first season we have played together, and for me at least, it has been about getting to know the guys I go to church with on a deeper level than I had before. I don't have a lot of time for socializing in my life outside of work, so I usually just would see them once a week. It's been great fun and maybe... someday... we'll win a game lol.

We start Basic Rifle Marksmanship this week. I'm looking forward to it... sort of. It is fun and important and lots of work and frustrating at the same time. I'll probably post periodically on our progress. (accidental alliteration is always an annoyance)

Anyway... I have about 15 things I want to write about, and if I just keep making promises I might actually keep one someday and post something.

But for now... I gotta sleep.



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