Thursday, September 01, 2005

I seriously almost had a heart attack this morning as I watched the pump roll past 75.00 to fill up my gas tank. I would understand if I had a suburban or even a big truck, but I drive a Grand Cherokee. I had no choice but to pay 3.29 a gallon for premium, because that’s all that was left on the 15 mile drive to work, and I was running on fumes. All the morons here in Columbia made a run on gas yesterday because they were afraid either the price would go up or the stations would run out of gas… and prices did go up… and they did run out of gas at most stations.... which almost makes me the moron, but it’s not worth the ten bucks I would’ve saved to sit in line for an hour.

I can’t even put into words yet my feelings about the situation in New Orleans. There are always inspiring stories of hope and good will that come from disasters of this magnitude. But rarely in America do you see the rotten depraved side of humanity on a scale that I’m afraid we’re about to see. I’m afraid New Orleans is going to be a lot like the world of Mad Max for awhile. The opportunity for serious criminals is likely to be too great to pass up. We’re about to see how not different we are from the rest of the world when you remove our government and law enforcement from the equation. Hopefully they get the military in there as soon as possible and in a sizable enough force to guard high priority targets and still patrol the streets effectively.

I thought this was an interesting comment…

“Hey the Army does not have any boot camp in SC Are you sure you didn't have a heat stroke and get confuzed with Parris Island? brb I am going to look up your base the Army is different than the USMC so brb well I couldn't find you in SC but i will take your word for it for now. Until I send my hubby to ask his Army people where you are. LOL don't take it personal. Why are you in the field? are you training AIT recruits? Oh well it's all good ok well I am out”

I would be a sorry Infantryman indeed if I studied a map for almost three years and couldn’t determine what STATE I am in. There are several other clues that make me thing I’m probably in South Carolina as well. Not the least of which is all the Gamecock memorabilia. I hope the Cocks do well this year. I’m not a huge fan, but the Spurrieritis that’s running rampant down here is a little bit infectious.

And by the way…
After doing a little research I’ve determined that the Army actually does train recruits in SC.

We graduated another group today. This is probably my last complete cycle, although I will be here for at least the majority of another one before I go.

I’m excited about Colorado. In addition to moving there, I’m taking leave and going to Durango with some friends in a few weeks. I’ll probably stop in at Fort Carson on the way and figure out some details before moving.

All week, when I need a little cheering up, I just remind myself that in about 120 days I will…
At long last…
Be issued an M4 again 

Anyway… more later
Knight Three Romeo Out…