Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Happy Groundhog Day

We pick up again today.

Heeeere we go again...

Same old stuff again...

marching down the avenue...

9 more weeks and we'll be through...


Monday, February 07, 2005

Promisees, promises...

Here's my response to THIS article.

What the…

Oh… my… gosh…

WHAT do we have HERE?

I THOUGHT the humidity had just increased in here!

Are those TEARS in your eyes?

Well let them FLOW Baby....

Go ahead…

CRY me a friggin RIVER you snot nosed little infant...



GO ahead STICK it out there


(voice lowers to whisper… takes a step forward to further invade and own their personal space)

I wasn’t asking… I said stick your bottom lip out you little shit…

THAAATS better…

NOW see if you can make it TREMBLE a little bit!

Show the WHOOOOOOLE friggin world what a CUTE little baby you are.

Good gosh WHERE is a camera when you need one?

Someday you’re gonna GROW UP and wish you had a picture to remember this with

You pathetic little embarrassment

Take your sad story and get the hell out of my face

before I start making soup in your skull

10… 9… 8… 5… 4… 2….

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Good article...

Check it out
the outrageous part is at the end.

Eason Jordan? I'd like to "target him" with a few rights and lefts... but I'll settle for telling people about him and his "Communist News Network"